Monday, October 20, 2008

Is the World Wide Web too Wide? is the most scandalous websites I have ever come across.  On this website people take extreme advantage of the fact that you can write things about people online anonymously.  With networking websites of the past you had to make an account, log in, and take credit for the things you say.  But, juicycampus has turned online blogging into online degrading.  The worst part about it is that half of the threads and blogs are untrue, almost all of them are mean, and people read it like it’s the Bible.  I wonder who creates these websites and if their intentions were to hurt people in certain communities.  Every morning I wake up and my roommate asks me if I have checked juicycampus.  Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is no, but regardless it is checked to make sure that events that occurred over the weekend haven’t made it for everyone to see.  I think that it is terrible that people write things about the way people look, who they are dating, and what they wear.  Why does everyone have to be so judgmental?  I wish that it could be turned into a positive website where people highlight good qualities in our peers here at SMU.  The Internet is a great tool, especially for social networking, but I don’t think that it should be something that can make people depressed about themselves.  We need to take a step back from our computers and put ourselves in the shoes of those who wake up and do find things written about themselves.  Would you want rumors spread about you that people think are facts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I heard about the Juicy Campus website for the first time, I was appalled. I couldn’t believe that something like this could actually exist at a campus that is so welcoming. Are we really living in a time where kids, surrounded by limitless opportunities, would waste time posting messy comments and lies on an anonymous website?? I guess so. I used to think that the spiteful cattiness and rumors that this site generates could only be found in movies, but one visit to the site has definitely brought back scary, real-life flashbacks from a movie that I have watched and quoted countless times: “Mean Girls”. Sends chills down your back, huh?
Our generation’s obsession with the personal affairs of others is starting to become a little frightening. Unfortunately, it’s become a trend. A very popular one. With sites like Facebook and My Space, it is very clear that we need to be “in the know”. And I even admit to being addicted to a little show by the name of Big Brother, which is the king of all gossip TV reality series, but I digress. But like I was saying, our need to know the latest gossip about our friends – or foes – is no secret but Juicy Campus definitely takes it to the next level. A level that I don’t think I’m ready to handle.