Monday, November 3, 2008

Heat-Moons Journey

"Here we can never be more than a mile or so from any place we can reach by feet, and yet our people aren't walkers any longer." says Miz Alice to Heat Moon while they're walking.  Is Heat Moon's journey with simple tools, transportation, and roads practical?  If you lost your wife and job would you travel the backbones of America?

Personally, I think that traveling with the bare necessities and forming relationships with local people you come across along your journey is the perfect way to pick up the pieces of life.  When you lose everything you have everything to gain.  It's interesting that a man would choose this way to feel better about his own life.  My dad wouldn't cope by traveling barren roads.  Instead he'd probably buy himself a nice new car or go golfing with his friends. I personally don't think that I would be able to travel without major roads or find nameless towns to explore.  But, this outlook is interesting to read about and think about comparatively. His experience is truly one of a kind, especially after he comes across such interesting people.  He learned about being one with nature and those around you with the Hopi student.  Then, he learned about how important it is to know your surroundings and the things that make up nature from Miz Alice.  The journey Heat-Moon is on is one of a kind and truly inspiring. It's nice to know that some people have enough faith in themselves and in the world to go on a voyage like that.


thinkagain said...

I love what you said about picking up the pieces, and that "When you lose everything you have everything to gain."

I agree that his choice of a trip to no-where is certainly a unique way to cope with loss, but you're right, this experience was one-of-a-kind.

And imagine if everyone went on a journey like this? It's sort of a native american thing, but anybody could do it and I think we'd be the better for it.

Lynn said...

I think that Heat-Moon took a huge risk when he traveled with only the bare essentials. He had a lot of courage and will-power to set out to learn about new places and most of all to discover himself. I think that many times when people lose things in life they tend to run away from their problems. Technically Heat-Moon was running away but I think that he was running to gain self discovering. He took a bad situation and made it into a positive one by setting out on a life changing journey.

AlmostFamous said...

This is a very good question to ask. I think that many people turn to materialistic items to make them happy. Like you said, your dad would probably buy a new car or escape with his friends on a golfing trip. I think that Heat- Moon is taking a risk. He is exploring the world and what it has to offer. I personally do not think I could gain the courage, taking off to explore the back roads of America. First off, I have no sense of direction and I feel the experience would make me feel more sad and lonesome. Taking a trip own your own, is a big leap. Oftentimes when I am sad I like to have people around to cheer me up. Heat- Moon, on the other hand, makes the best of his adventure and learns the different ways and culture of other people. Blue Highways is a perfect example of how life is a journey not a destination. Heat - Moon is exploring the beauties of life, leaving his stresses behind.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I deleted my other comment 'cause of a misspelling. Being the teacher, I can't have that (too often). Couple thoughts here: H-M took a risk not really an option for a woman, would you agree? Not safe, really. But I also want to know why no one, including College Girl, said anything about the quotation about walking. It's just there, but ignored. Why did you pick it, College Girl?

Alexandra said...

"Here we can never be more than a mile or so from any place we can reach by feet, and yet our people aren't walkers any longer." Miz Alice is says this with all honesty and I think it is not just happening on Miz Alice's island but everywhere. That quote is simply showing how lazy Americans are. I agree with College Girl, if my father had a crisis he would hop on a plane and hide in a resort rather then embark on a soul-searching journey. But in general, the American life has become fast-paced and rushed, people never slow down, it is always go go go!

The gym is not even a five-minute walk from my dorm and I know people who opt to drive to the gym rather then walk 1000 feet. Miz Alice is pointing out that people are always to get as much done as possible in the little time they have. Along with rush, is the loss of culture. Our culture has become speeding, coffee, and trying to make as much money as possible. I admire anyone who takes time out of their life to gain personal satisfaction. As Heat-Moon stepped away from his chaotic life, I think more Americans need to do the same. We seem to revolve around stress, which is certainly not healthy. As thinkagain discussed the thought of everyone going on their own journey, I think it is a great idea and dream.

Back to the quote, we need to stop relying on technology and become closer with the earth and nature.